There is little proper house progress to report on other than some serious (and seriously boring) architrave and skirting painting but there are some things in there now. It's back to chaos of a different kind as we smashed up the wardrobe in transit and therefore have nothing to unpack clothes in to (oops).
Anyway, couldn't resist a little share so I ran round the house snapping the mess on my camera's auto mode - well there's no point in dressing up the situation eh. One sleep to go before we sleep there! Hopefully there will be a bed to sleep in by then.
Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors Flo and Elle interiors house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog house renovation blog